Announcement 13.01.2009


first, I'm sorry for the little info here and all that.. you know I was busy doing my job and study.

Anyway, I want to announce something: this site will be merged with my new blog. It's already online -> and is available in German and English. News and updates to maps will be published there so this place wont be needed anymore.. I will redirect the URL to my new blog soon.

Feel free to leave comments and ideas there.

So yeah, see you on my new site!


PS: Happy New Year!

New Map 20.09.2008

I know it's kind of late but I just wanted to say that Plasma finished Kamino and it is part of the new Movie Battles II Build (RC3 P2).

kamino1 kamino2
click the images to see a larger version
Announcement 14.04.2008
BoC Subpage

Good news! The Movie Battles II version of Battle over Coruscant got into Beta Testing this week and made huge progress. To kinda celebrate this event I prepared a special page for the map (56k Users beware). The download links are still missing of course but will be added as soon as the map is finished.

The site features a short description of the map, a gallery, an objective description, a development area and all the people who helped me during the production are listed at the bottom of the page.

I hope you'll enjoy this little present, the page's URL is:

Announcement 17.02.2008

You don't want to compile huge maps with Radiant anymore?
You don't like Q3Map2Build or Q3Map2toolz?

Maybe Q3Map2GUI is the right program for you! Darth Arth did it last year and I finally managed to write a tutorial for it. It is available in english only but a german version will follow as soon as possible.

If you are interested take a look and give me some feedback. Enjoy. wink

Announcement 15.02.2008
to do list

As you can see I am working on a new design for the page. During contructions, some pages wont be available - sorry in advance. But I will take the chance and update the Tutorial Section with currently missing English versions. If you have any ideas how to make this site even better, please e-mail me.

Update: I've finished the design of the page and updated all its content.

If you find any bugs or broken links or if you have ideas to increase the quality of this site e-mail me, please.

New Map 09.08.2007

observation deck

It's done! BoC Duel Observation Deck for Jedi Academy can be downloaded at

You can find its entry in the mapsection.

Announcement & New WIP 06.08.2007
Movie Battles

Hey people, something really cool happend to me - I am a member of the Movie Battles II Mod Team. That means that there will be an exclusive MB version of BoC. I also started another siege map that was originally created for the current contest on MB forums but I missed the deadline so it will be released as soon as possible.

That brings us to Mos Eisley Escape, my new WIP, here are some pics:

shot0273.jpg shot0271.jpg shot0270.jpg
click the images to see a larger version
New Pics & Trailer 17.02.2007

I made a little gallery and a trailer to show you the ongoing progress of Siege - Battle over Coruscant:

Download the Trailer
hosted by

skybox elevators2 elevators1 Trooper hangar observation deck corridor
click the images to see a larger version
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